call of duty 3 is a game that i feel treyarch haven't tried there best to utilize the graphics on the normal xbox.good.

User Rating: 7.2 | Call of Duty 3 (Platinum Hits) XBOX
call of duty 3 is a game that is good but not of duty is the same old thing on the xbox, treyarch can't live up to infinity ward's standards's like call of duty 2 on the 360 and i've played the 360 version of call of duty 3 and it is soooooo much better in term's of graphics and sound AND gameplay.

call of duty 3 is pretty good.but like i said it does'nt stand up to the 360 version.

one thing is there should be no rubbish graphics late on in the xbox'es life
because look at brothers in arms graphics and gameplay and sound it was an authentic class of game and i feel call of duty 3 has been rushed in time to come for the 360 version.

allright i know that it won't be as good as the 360 version so i knew it would'nt be as good but i think treyarch should have tried a bit more!.

but one thing is good the gameplay and character design,there pretty good. and it has a good story,but the texture's look muddy close up!i don't mean right up close up.i think brothers in arms is mile's better and that's nearly a two year old game with it's tactical gameplay with the find,fix,flank and finish
was brilliant and it felt authentic,where as call of duty you just run up to your enemy's and shoot them to pieces.

overall i think big red one was better but if you've played big red one you'll like this's good but not great.