Call of Duty 3. Is it the next best game for World War 2 shooters?
The gameplay's realism has improved as well. The graphics even for the PS2 are extremly good. The chance of running in the open under enemy fire and being shot multiple times and still surviving wasn't realistic. The harder you make the difficulty the more cover and tactics you will have to use. You won't be able to run and gun anymore like many people like to do! There is some blood in the game, whenever you are close to the enemy and you shoot them you can see small bursts of blood coming from where you shot them.
The weapons in Call of Duty 3 are more realistic. The sounds and the look are just as good! There are not really any new weapons to this game but they have tweaked certain weapons. They have added new aspects such as throwing smoke grenades with the L2 button and throwing frag grenades with R2. Like most traditional shooter games, R1 is the usual firing button.
This game is one of the best World War 2 shooters I have seen recently. I am not saying it is the best, but one of the best! If you havn't had a chance to play any of the series this would be a good game to start with. Everything that I have written on this review is the reason on why I gave this game a 9.0!