Call of Duty 3 was a good game but easy at times while at others impossible. It took me a couple days to beat it.

User Rating: 7.8 | Call of Duty 3 WII
In the beginning it was pretty hard because i bought it a few days after i purchased my Nintendo Wii system. It takes about a fifteen minutes to a half hour to get used to depending on the person. Some parts in the game are very easy. For example at times in the game you don't even have to go up and lead the computer will just defeat the enemies without you. Then there are other battles which seem very hard for example when you have to get a soldier off f you then hit him with your gun. This takes practice but you will be able to get it after a while. The storyline is really good and done well. Some of the time it just feels as if the people in between levels are just talking for a little too long. There are a variety of guns in the game which is a fun feature. The graphics could be better but are alright due to the game coming out near the launch of the system.