There is barely anything wrong with it.

User Rating: 8.9 | Call of Duty 3 WII
Look there is nothing wrong with COD3 other than a few small problems. i feel as thogh its best to get through with these little nigles first, so please bare with me. When the going gets tough the wii can have trouble going ,with a few small lag problems, its nothing big but it may give you a little more trouble than necessary when clearing large groups of enemies who are heavily equiped. It will only really happen at moments with about 20 enemies armed with turrets grenads and smoke.
The only other problem is getting used to the controls, i played it along with red steel, and cod3 goes with the more realistic side and as such you dont get a crosshair on the run, however once you get used to knowing the center of the screen, this serves only to enheance the gameplay.
Speaking of advanced gameplay, thats what the wii offers, other than great accuracy there's driving, rowing, fighting and tanks, yes tanks are now actually controlable thanks to the wii. Essentially its good old COD3 with a few small niggles that are far outweiged by the wii's unique controls. Oh and by the way if you want multiplayer, get red stell too, not instead, as well, they are both great games.