Maybe the last intense shooter for PS2.

User Rating: 8.2 | Call of Duty 3 PS2
[Call of Duty was a well-done World War 2 shooter when it first released. In the crowded WWII shooter market, CoD seemed to be much more fun, different than the Big daddies of the genre. It had all the action you need for WWII and there are never moments that could possibly make you bored. Using the same formula, Cod3 successfully launched into almost every console, and of course, arrousing more attention for the series. ] [Call of Duty 3 brings you to the Normandy Breakout in 1944, while you take on the roles of four soldiers from different countries, namely American, British, Canadian and Polish. Unlike the last two CoD games, the whole game sets in a fix storyline. You won't be able to land on Omaha Beach, turn the tides at Stalingrad, fight in the sandstorms of El Alamein, or storm the streets of Berlin. You are going to retake France from German hands, and that's all.] [The CoD series isn't famous for its good story, but even having a fixed storyline while you go through with some particular characters, CoD3 still doesn't make the game become more engaging. You'll watch some history documents with a narrator, and then you move on to the story to fight the Germans, together with a lot of compainons. You'll be quickly dragged into the action and the intense firefights, without even caring what the heck you are trying to do. That's the point of the game--shoot. That's why the story is worthless, and also makes the whole game play a little bit more boring. You won't go throught the major battles in WWII while you go rescue some pesky hostages, drive through some French farms, and such. The characters are not memorable at all. You will meet a shy radio operator, a brave captain, but it really doesn't make you remember him. even his name or looks. ] [CoD3 really knows how to create atmosphere. At the very beginning you start out in the camp of the Americans some kilometres away from a major battlefield. You get to see a lot of of soldiers around you, training, discussing on tactics and stuff. It really looks impressive. You quickly go on a training session, leap on a truck and go to war. The soldiers speak, tease each other, which created a good atmosphere there. Suddenly a bomb comes at your truck and the whole truck rolls over. Your team rescues you and then join the battle together. Just a second after you get in the war-torn city, you'll feel like your in a real battle. Soldiers yelling out loud, bullets flying straight next to your ears, and huge explosions, debris flying everywhere. It is impressive. You really are like an ant in middle of a forest. You'll drive a tank in the later levels, fight in a war trench, call for reinforcements, which also provides great fun playing them. ]

[Sometimes missions enable you to choose which path you want to take, such as allowing you to choose to storm the bridge or go through the forest and storm the enemy flanks. It's not that a big deal to choose because choosing different paths won't affect the outcome or give any special benefits.] [Many games portariat you as some brave soldier, a hero, who destroyed german bases, armies, alone. But CoD3 isn't that case. Throughout the game, maybe you wouldn't be able fight huge battles very often, but you'll always be backed up by some CPU-controlled soldiers. They die and kill by you side. You may most of the time be clearing out most of the enemies, but your company does do a good job, or at least make you feel more confident in yourself to kill more. There really is a feeling of "You are not alone". ] [ Don't expect too much variety of weapons to use and vehicles to drive, otherwise you should play battlefield 1942. Common machine guns, snipers and cannons are always there, but where did the pistols go? Anyways, most of the weapons of WWII are there. You are only allowed to have 2 weapons with you, but choices aren't that much so 2 slots are pretty well enough. Grenades are also must-hves in all WWII games, and CoD3 enables you to cook a grenade, which is not seen before. You pull the pick, and a timer pops out indicating when the grenade will explode. It is advised to throw it before it explodes in your hands of course. However, it you use this skill well-enough, you can always throw a near-to-explosion grenade at your enemies, decreasing the chance of running away or throwing it back. Apart from the normal grenades, smoke grenades are at your disposal as well. These things are not used for multiplayer purposes only like in other games where after throwing them your enemy could still shoot you in the right coordinate. The AI, after you throw a smoke grenade in front of them, really dont know where or even what to shoot. This adds a bit of strategic depth to the game.] [The enemy AI is okay. They do what most shooter games do, like leaning behind stuff. But sometimes they really dont know what the hell they are leaning on. They sometimes lean on crates with a space in between which allows you to shoot them throught the hole. Difficulty also increases the enemy AI, you'll be weaker, enemies stronger and much more aggressive, like you killed their dad or what.] [The game featrures something new to the series--close combat. However, they scripted events in the single player campaign and you cannot trigger it whenever you want. Once triggered, an uglu soldier will charge at you, try to pull your gun, while you keep preesing buttons to hold him off. There are sometimes cool actions performed, but the buttons to press is pretty well the same everytime. To be mentioned as well, you will only face theses situations for...uhh...six times?] [You can focus mainly on the action because you seldom have to use your brain. Except from throwing smoke grenadesand where to hide to avoid gunfire, there really isn't much strategic depth. You can't command your men, give orders for reinforcements and such.] [You will also find that you do not have a health bar. Trying to give some cool first-person experience, CoD3 indicates that you are near death when you're screen go blurry and some blood stains surrounding the middle. This is an awesome effect. You will die if you recieve more damage when you get this kind of display, but if you avoid fire for a few seconds you get healed thoroughly. That's also a reason you will never find health packs in the game.] [Another gameplay addition is that you would find yourself often pressing some buttons and turning the analog stick. Whenever you stick a bomb to something, you have to press a series of buttons. It really isn't essentiall and is sometimes time consuming, but there are times that it could be fun. An example is trying to row a boat across the river before you get smashed by a german bomb, you have to move your analog stick in a certain pattern--and real quick. ] [The graphics do already look good on PS2. You really can't expect anything booming in a game made for a console that is wearing out because of the next-gen consoles. However, the backgrounds do look wonderful, thanks to the level design uniqueness. You would often find the battlefields huge but actually they are only background boards. Path restrictions often give you a good reason, for example you can't get upstairs in a house because some furniture fell down on the stairs, and was stuck by a cubboard. The effects in the game look good too. Dirt and other particles do there jobs, smoke grenades and explosions look realistic as well.] [The explosions and the firing sounds magnificent and even if the graphics don't give you the feeling of war, close your eyes and just simply listen to the sound. There are a few soundtracks which are well-written and well-composed, creating a great atmosphere while playing the game.] [Too bad CoD3 has a campaign that could take around 8 hours to finish in easy, and max. 12 hours for the hard difficulty. You would seldom play the games levels once in a while to train up some skills or just for plain fun. There is multiplayer to the game as well, but many PS2 owners dont have the correct kind of network to support PS2, including me as well. So if you don't have multiplayer support, this game could easily wear off, and soon it would be left collecting dust.] [In conclusion, Call of Duty 3 is a fun game, especially it may be one of the last big budget shooters for PS2 as so-called next-gen gaming platforms take the whole gaming market. It may not be long-lasting, but at least it gives some unforgettable experience and a few hours of what an epic shooter should be like. Call of Duty 3 is a good start to re-recognise the Call of Duty series. It does deserve playing.]