great! but, overshadowed by gears of war

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 3 X360
this game is great i love all the new skirmish features, and like COD 1 you can get in vehicles again and you have different types of men e.g scount. and they all help the team in a different way. like the medic obviously r e v i v e s people and support and anti armour give out A M M O graphics are good and hardly any lag online in games. put together well and alot of effort. but like i said it was and still is overshadowed by gears of war which came out a week later. i know that most people i think would buy gears of war so call of duty 3 may not do very well. if it came out earlier e.g a month earlier then it would have been a bigger hit and had a bigger e f f e c t