Excellent. Graphics are improved from Call of Duty 2 - realism is up a notch too. Truely puts you in the war.

User Rating: 8.8 | Call of Duty 3 X360
If you are into intense, in your face action with heart pounding moments a plenty - this is your game. If you have not played Call of Duty 2 ; pick it up too... then play Call of Duty 3. Although they are not exactly sequels in the game sense they do cover different parts of WW II and are equally enjoyable. The graphics are up a notch in Call of Duty 3.

As you play this game you get a real sense of the fear in fighting a real war and makes you appreciate the sacrifices of so many in WWI and WWII. And makes you VERY certain if you have to fight a war... infantry is definitely the worst and hardest of all the divisions.

In otherwords this game communicates exactly what is it like to be a grunt in this part of the army - and you have to be VERY brave to pick this profession.

AI is exceptionally in this game - both your side and the Germans.

Truly a next gen experience and worth every penny.
This game is excellent in HD, and Dolby Digital EX.