call of duty 3 is the best fps on the wii, to date
User Rating: 8.7 | Call of Duty 3 WII
when i first saw that this game was comin to the wii i new i had to have it. And now i finally got it, this game is great, you play as multiple people throughout the game and each one has a unique story all invalving WWII obviously. One of my few complaints is about the graphics, ya there crap. when i first started the game and was watching the first cutscene i was like "wow this game has amazing graphics" what a fool i was. Ya see the cutscenes have different graphics from the actual gameplay so when your watching a cool cutscene before a mission its like your playing xbox360, but when the action actually starts up the graphics completley switch to gamecube standard, and that annoyed me because throughout the whole game i was thinkin about how pretty somethin wouldeve looked on the 360. but anyway its really no big deal considering the gamplay is brilliant, the sound is amazing (as always) and the game is just alaround fun to play, so fun infact that i didnt even miss the multiplayer!!!!
BOTTOM LINE: if you own a wii, you own this........period.