A really good game if you definitley like WW2 shooters......
Ill start by talking about the graphics in this game. Now obviously they differ from people that have HD TV’s and a normal SDTV. I personally have an HDTV with a HDMI to DVI wire into the set. This game outputs from the ps3 to TV at 720p. I have 1080i but it automatically downscaled for some reason. Still this game has a lot of stunning graphics to offer. People say that there’s a lot of frame rate issues, well I’m going to tell you that there isn’t. This game runs very well and has no choppiness. If you have a HDTV you will really appreciate the graphics.
The sound is also very good. Everything from the wepon noises to what the characters say, is very well done. The sound is incredibly life like and mimics that of a real war movie per say. The onscreen battle that is going on is all reflected through the noise. The game play aspect of this game is also very well done. I have not had a chance to play the online yet but I hear mixed things about it. The single player is good, with a couple different types of levels to choose from. You can play the British, Canadian, American and Polish. This time adding to different nations that we have never seen the side from. A great little feature that goes a long way. In conclusion if you like WW2 games and have enjoyed other COD games you should definitely pick this one up. Its well worth the money especially if you have a HDTV…..