
User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty 3 X360
How anybody rates this game highly is beyond me. The enemies are mechanical and entirely predictable. There is no randomization of movement at all. This game certainly wins the award for dumbest allies of any game ever made. Your own squad will constantly walk right in front of you while you're firing, killing them and ending the game from "friendly fire." It's completely retarded and such an obvious game flaw I can't believe the developer released it w/out addressing it. The lack of checkpoints means you have to go through long tedious sections over and over again until you want to scream, primarily due to your idiotic compatriots as mentioned above. There is very little room for roaming, which was a big upgrade in World at War. Nothing innovative about the game to speak of. The missions are pedestrian. Just Another WWII Shooter would have been a better name for this damp squib. World ar War is outstanding. This is crap.