A very shiny and smooth runing game with sounds and graphics that surpass the second, but some things still seem flawed.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 3 X360
I got this the day it came out and after playing nothing but call of duty 2 and battlefield, it was time for change. And hear is what I thought.

Singleplayer: 8/10
While it is very breef, the single player aspect of this game is rather good, all levles take place in france and inclued many different objectives. You play as polish, canadian, american and british troops in the normandy out break. like the first there is alot of inovative and cool things you can do like driveing vehecles, to firing mortars, to fuseing explosives.

Online: 8/10
I was rather impressed with the online in this game, The maps range from small to large and ther is many game modes. Vehecles including tanks motor cycles and jeeps are included. As for teems there are only Americans in germans witch at first was dissapointing and still kind of is. The weapon classes are very unique and fun but weapons between the sides are very unbalanced. The 24 player is impressive but there is no stratagey making it an all out charge fest.

Weapons: 9/10
I was very Impressed by the weapons in this games as they all are very detailed and look and sound incredable. The detal is very good. But some weapons look some what odd like the MP44 witch looks very thin and off scale and the G-43 witch the sights are off, but all the rest are very amazing.
and the rifle grenades are way way cool.

Sound: 10/10
I almost craped my pants at how good everything sounds in this game, from the weapons, to the Tanks, oh the tanks sound so real.

overall its a great game and a defanate buy for fans of the series but may leave some kind of diss apointed.