Treyarch take's us back to WWII

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty 3 PS3
Call of Duty 3 is going to seem like fimiliar ground. Instead of trying something new like Infinity Ward, the series yet again comes out in form of WWII set in France and Germany. Treyarch helped make Big Red One which was a great game, but was stomped by Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360 and PC in November 2005. This game not only looks better than COD2 but it has some more missions that are as good or better than some of those in COD2.

Visuals: The Game looks great, and even though Resistance came out next to this game, its a great looking game reguardless. Just make sure your playing on an HDTV to get the full experience. They are cheap now.

Gameplay: You get to play as the soldiers you don''t commonly hear about in the european theater. Polish, Canadian etc. It's very lame sounding at first, but you'll come to not even recognize it, and feel like any other soldier or marine. The levels are as linear as they can get, but all COD game are like that, so its nothing new. The first mission and some later ones are some of the most intense ever seen in a shooter and in the COD series. Weapons in this one come from all over and that becomes more appaerent as you play as new countrymen using their weapons. Despite the somewhat drab single player, the multiplayer was great. I say WAS because now there's only maybe 150 people online anymore.

Taking this one for a spin is risk, but this isn't a bad game. COD4 is out now and even though that game is amazing (I have it on 360) dosent mean you should pass by this game in the series. Besides, we all know Nazis are fun to shoot!