just the same as the call of duty 3 but more fun and more levels

User Rating: 8.1 | Call of Duty 3 X360
Call of duty 3 doesnt bring anything new to the series but is still a fun game to play. There isnt any diffrence between 2 and 3 and a really gammer would no. So it doesnt realy madder what game u buy ur getting the same value. This is a must have in ur collection for ur 360. The story mode is st6ill in WW2 but u can play as at lest 5 diffrents country as U.S, Britin, Frence, Canida, polish and there migt be more. The multepl;ayer is not as fun as most things and dont recommend playing it. This is a good game but there is more out there that out top it like Raimbow 6 which is really fun.