Immersive and fun, but with some issues.

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty 3 WII
The good: Very immersing, the weapons feels great, great action and the controls are intuitive and work well.

The bad: It's really ugly for a new shooter, stereo sound effects seems a bit screwed sometimes, annoying slowdowns from time to time.

First of I'll have to admit that I am a sucker for great graphics, so much so that I bought Gears of War because it looked good. Even though I actually hate to play shooters with regular console controllers. That said, after playing a few minutes forgot all about the ugly lo res textures in this game. The controllers where spot, the feel almost like an extension of ones arm, and made me feel like I almost where in the thick of it. And there is lot of thickness in this game, after the short in-game tutorial (similar to CoD2) you crash in to a battlefield with bullets and grenades flying all over. Good stuff.

The game makes good use of the wiimote and nunchuk for the most parts. However there are a few sequences that feels like they thought they had to come up with as many ways to use the wiimote as possible, and most of them feel weak, un repsonsive and just tacked on. Over the course of the game you'll be mëlée-ing german soldiers that will have you jabbing and throwing the 'mote and nunchuk all over the place. Or you'll have to turn valves or prime explosive charges. And the speed and timing never seems to match what you are doing with the controllers, and sometimes nothing happens at all while you are flailing with them like a mad man. luckily most of the time you use the controllers to fire all the different weapons in the game, and that they're good at.

All in all there are a few nitpicks with the game that can some times be a nuisance. Such as the AI isn't stellar (but not as bad as red steel) but they are not big enough to get in the way of enjoying the game. The only thing that's a major flaw is the fast that there is no multi player, split screen or otherwise. That in it self doesn't change the single player experience, but it diminish the value and re playability.