This was a great game. Offline you get to be one of five different countries in the 14 missions (Polish, Dutch, British U.S, and Canadian.) You would be a soldier fighting against the Nazi's in World War two. While in the game, you can here your seargants and other squadmates talking and telling you what to do, and in cutscenes, you can move your head around and look at stuff, pretty cool actually. Out of all 3 games, I'd have to say this was the best one by a mile. The online play of this game though is a little tricky, because of all of the people that play this all day, but other then that they gave the online play some unique acts. You can drop ammo pickups and med packs for the rest of your team and other things too. Overall this game was well made, and it is a game worth buying.
I am a big fan of CoD2 so i went out and bought this because it looked amazing however i was very let down. It is quite fun to play for an hour then it just gets annoying. It feels to restrictive. In CoD2 you could ru... Read Full Review
I brought COD3 pretty much because it came in cheaper than gears of war, and within 20mins of playing i knew id made the wrong choice. Firstly, Im not going to trash this game for being on the rails, you buy a call of... Read Full Review