good end to the ww2 era of call of duty

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 3 PS2
cod3 is loads of fun with heaps of authentic weapons and tanks.
it takes about 6 hours to play through the campaign on hard but the main part of it is the multiplayer it is awesome and especially the war mode along with all the classes and abilitys its well worth $60.
I'll never the day I made that kraut do a backflip by shootin him in the shoulder with a kar98 while on the run.
unfortunately the week i got it my dog broke our ps2 and the disc got scratched. so when we got the ps2 fixed all the nazis in the game sound like they've been inhaling helium which made it loads and loads of fun killing them cause nothing easier to kill when it sounds like a bird. it is heaps of fun on ps2 but it is way better on the newer consoles so if your wonderin about buying it on ps2 because youll save a few bucks DONT spend more money and get it on ps3 or xbox360 or better yet get call of duty 4. i hope to see a new call of duty on the psp but thats unlikely.
and if youre thinkin about gettin a moh game instead dont ive got every one of them and they're nothing compared to this.just buy it already u don't need my word for it.