Call of Dut 3, T-Bag Heaven.
The general gameplay on CoD 3 is acctualy simple, if your new to the game you will have no trouble at all with the controls. The single player campaign is very good as far as war games can go, you have your typical start off in the middle of the battle with bullets flying past your head, but that just gets you into the game even more, and you want to aid your fellow allies to victory. I don't have much tosay about the single player campaign, it's alot like Gears of War in the fact that it does get boring after a while. Never the less don't let that put you off, because there are other things to make up for that.
The on-line play is just absolutley amazing, it's by far the best war game i have played online befor. Call of Duty 3 offers many different game types such as Capture the Flag, Teambattle, War, Signel Capture the Flag, and others. Capture the Flag is just basicaly what the name says realy, storm through the enemies base with your allies, and take their flag, oh and of course, take on all of the enemies (the best part imo). My personal favourite is Team Battle, mainly because the only objective is to kill, kill & kill..
Wether your the more calm and patient type, sitting down in the corner of the map, sniping off your enemis 1 by 1, or if your the more aggressive type and go head to head with bullets flying every where, then this is deffinatley the game for you. And with the added bonus that when you totaly make a fool out of the enemy you have just killed, then you take pride in T-Bagging them, and watch them try get revenge on you ;).
Hmmm ok the weapons, a few different types of weapons, Rifle, Light/Heavy Assault, MG, Sniper, Rocket Launcher. Yeah theres not to many different type of guns but it's enough. Both teams have different guns but in the same catagories, so the best thing to do is experiment, find your favourite gun and go pwn some people! There are also many different abilities that you get along with your chosen class. So if you use the rifle you get grenades that clip onto the front of your gun, these are realy good if you need to take down an enemy real quick. With the Light & Heavy Assault guns you get mines, this little beauties work wonders on maps with alot of grass, theres nothing better than watching the opposing team run straight into your mine like an idiot ¬¬'. The best thing though is the Artiery Strike that you get with the sniper, wait untill your enemies are all together, you the co-ords and fire away and watch the fireworks. Gone on abit for this section so i'll stop now.
Ok moving onto the graphics, well what to say realy. they are not the best of graphics in general, but for a war game they are very good. The main surroundings have alot of detail into them, 1) making the game seem alot more real, and that you are in a battle fighting for your life, and 2) the fact that it does make you seem more envolved in the game, if you udnerstand what i mean. In general the game is one of high quality, a deffinate must buy for those who want to play on-line, those who want to play single player, i would recommend borrowing or renting.