COD4 brings great single player experience, good story, Capt. Price, good visuals and sound, awful multiplayer.

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
In COD4, you alternate between British SAS and USMC fighting some future conflict in the middle east and parts of eastern europe. A nice change from COD2 (tho nothing beats shooting nazis), the modern weapons effective for the most part. the story is good, not great, not long enough, and sadly lacking a coop experience. the attack dogs felt cheesy and extraneous, and on the hardest difficulty, the game is damn near impossible. i'd give the single player portion of the game an 8-8.5.

The multiplayer is where this game really drops the ball. there isnt even a pretense of matchmaking, so rookies and first timers are playing in matches with people who have had the game since day one, and have every bell and whistle for their weapons, and every stupid Perk available. Once in your unbalanced match, you will very likely be blown up by someones grenade, who just flings them around (lucky lobbers, a friend of mine calls these people) randomly. the killcam shows your murderer running around, then looking straight up to pitch his grenade. Respawning is TERRIBLY done in this game- whoever is responsible for that portion of the game at infinity ward should either kill themselves or be rendered sterile in order to save future generations of humanity from being strickend with their obviously defective genes. In every game, you will inevitably be respawned right in front of an enemy, who will happily gun you down. this doesnt just happen to me, or my friends- I CONSTANTLY hear other players **** about this reprehensible spawn system. if you dont respawn in front of an enemy, you may very well respawn ontop of a grenade or under an airstrike- it is possible to be killed twice by the same airstrike, and it is infuriating. if you manage 7 kills without dying, a helicopter will fly in to kill for you. this helicopter unbalances the game by staying around for ever, shooting through almost any kind of cover, and even shooting straight down if you are underneath it. an additional- annoyance,problem, pet peeve- is that you are unable to select which map you want to play on a la Rainbow 6 V. instead, you will play on the same 4 or 5 maps, as if in a loop. is it so hard to give us the choice of what map to play on? other games do it. (and for those of you who are saying "just go play R6V! "- screw you, i'm the consumer, i have every right to demand that game publishers give me as much control over my gaming experience as possible). this game could indeed be a 9, if more attention were paid to the Multiplayer aspect. instead, that portion feels broken and ofttimes unbalanced.