This is my first review and the game is Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare . this is a great game, hope you enjoy!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
This game was reviewed at April 29 , 2009

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare compared to its siblings Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2 is but an upgrade to an already successful franchise. The series is back to take you deep into more modern types of warfare hence the title.

Infinity Ward's follow up game to the intense Call of Duty 2. Cod 4 will make you feel worn-out from playing and will still make you ready for another go around. Although Infinity Ward is well known for its successful storytelling of World War II, it is back yet again for another smash hit at the action and place you in the intense battles going on in the present day. As for the phenomenal game play you'll man the weapons of the AC-130 Gunship which hovers above battlefields and unloads 105mm rounds that cut through the enemy. Create big explosions with the javelin missiles which drop right onto enemy tanks. And nonetheless guns, yes guns are the prime weapons in this game and are very accurate and realistic looking, you will be able to use a variety of scopes and various extensions available to your armoury that can increase your sight, sound and even accuracy with some.

As you make your way through the storyline you will face many enemy's and meet an overwhelming amount of them who seem to be carrying weapons much greater than yours (but that's ok they don't know how to use them well). You need to work together with your team since they do carry a better AI system which means they won't be standing around all the time having a laugh while you get slaughtered in a barrage of bullets. Sometimes they may even save your life whether in doing so means picking up a grenade or two that is beside your leg about to blow or verbally warning you of threats. This time you will be playing through a rather gratifying plot, unlike the previous insertions of the Call of Duty franchise Call of Duty, Modern Warfare tells one conterminous story that you will be transferring yourself through a manifold of perspectives as you will be floating from many different battlegrounds and squads.

You will have the opportunity to be amongst British S.A.S. and the U.S. Marines, each jump into the shoes of your characters will help continue the advancement of a single storyline. While the story mainly orbits around stolen Russian nukes and Mid-Eastern terrorists this isn't new a topic presented through a world war video game, it's still very enjoyable and still continuously keeps you fastened to your screen as you never lose interest. As you are playing throughout the game you will notice that at some times the game does very well to see to it that it is hard for you , most of time you will feel like getting courageous and rush the battlefield to get a jump on things but what you will notice is that at some points in the game it gets so intense you will find yourself needing to run for cover. Your cover can consist of many objects including a broken down tank to a thin sheet metal that bullets can still travel through. Call of Duty, Modern Warfare not only has a great single player storyline for you to play through it also brings to the table a brilliant on-line multiplayer mode featuring 16 maps also with later on DLC content of a variety map pack consisting of 4 new maps. Technically the game has 13 different modes including (Free for all, team death match, search and destroy and headquarters etc...) there is also a hardcore version of most of the game modes meaning there will be no HUD and your health is reduced. You will be rewarded experience points during online play ranking you up through the levels 1 – 55 made up of 10 prestige levels meaning once you reach the level 55 max you can take your chance to continue further to start back at level 1 but this time with a nicer looking symbol beside your name indicating your skill level, other than that there isn't much point to the prestige mode.

There is also a perk system you will be able to use giving you the choice of perk 1 for weapon and ammo upgrades; perk two for damage and reload upgrades and lastly perk 3 which will offer some neat perks including Eavesdrop which if near enemy players you can hear their voices if they speak into their microphone, also there is a deep impact perk allowing your bullet to travel threw things like sheet metal and wood faster allowing you to kill enemies taking cover. Call of Duty, Modern Warfare is indeed a great shooter although given the smart updated AI you will still occasionally see the odd enemy stuck in an awkward place or just plain standing out in the open waiting for your bullets, the enemy is very effective and if you don't rush and flank the enemy you can count on them flanking you well your enemies continue to demonstrate tactics on staying behind cover but also knowing that you will try that too, which is why they seem to throw an army of grenades at your general direction also firing RPG's your way.

But with all this said the most effective weapon the enemy unleashes on you will be the dogs, yes the dogs when sent they run up to you and you have about 1 second to tap the melee button to send them to the pound or you're dead. In conclusion Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a great choice of game whether you are an online gamer or just casual one.

Reviewed by:

Jason Ladniak Easton.