Call Of Duty 4, Well this is a piece of art and more

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
COD 4 is a real time war based modern warfare. First of all, COD 4 has great graphics. The environment with playing it with a high resolution makes this game great in its own way. The engine is spectacular and makes this game beautiful. But the single player is way too short and not that hard(except for veteran difficulty). On the other hand, the multi-player mode is simply enjoyable. Well cause its fun to pawn noobs that don't play this game so well. The game is easy to play at first. The first time my bro played i laughed at him. He didn't know what to do at the first level. But that is just my bro. Overall this game is decent and amazingly beautiful with the specular map,the depth of field and the textures. I give it a 4 out of 5

Oh, COD 4 is best played at high graphics,so i don't recommend it if you have a low end PC.Also don't try to play COD 4 with one hand you'll die like painlessly and so fast you won't even know it on multiplayer(i tried it before). This is Gamer_Above signing off