i have ben a call of duty fan ever from the begining and i have meet the love of my life

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
when i first got it LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!it has been such a amzaing game.i mean AMSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how the story gose how the terrist kill the present on tv and got to kill the 4 guys that did it .now tell me that not amsome.this game dosent let you drive cars and trucks on here but dont let that get in the way.this game online is the best game i have ever seen and best owner game.if you have not got this game then you must be mentille or your plan stuiped.so if you want to stop being stuiped then get this game.online is so fun last year we got it and we cant stop playing it ever sens.well when you get online rank 55 is the highst but the fun donst end there.there a thing called preistge.there are 10 preistge and when you get up to 55 that your first preistge then do it 10 more times.this game fun never ends.so if i recomend it to you well i see you.later!! -wattss78