best shooter of all time
User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
holy crap this game rocks! You start off playing story mode and it begins with a cute tutorial that gets you all ready to go. And if you get under 20 seconds in the time trial thing, you are REALLY good. After that you go on your first mission and it gets pretty crazy in the ship what with all the people shooting at you and stuff. Its nice. and then it just gets really intense. REALLY FRIGGN INTENSE. the first time i played this game i must have said "oh my GOD!" about 30 times out of pure amazement of how awesome and intense the game is. You have two separate stories going on at once. You are a british dude, and a marine. Basically you run around cracking skulls and taking names. Actually its not one of those dumb games where someone goes in solo and destroys 500 guys by himself. You actually have to work with your little squad a bit cause if you try to go solo you will just get destroyed (im talking on veteran. you can do whatever the hell you feel like on easy.. even medium) Anyway the marine guy has an awesome unexpected ending to his story. And the last part of the last level was another one of those times where i just had to say "oh my GOD!" And then i shot some dudes with a pistol. The online play is never ending fun. NEVER ENDING! there are even some new maps to play if you wanna download them. but they cost money :( There is only one bad part to this game. If you watch the credits for a while, there is this song that is supposed to be sung by ssgt. Griggs and it is sooooo stupid. Other than that one really crappy rap song, the whole game is golden. If you dont have this game yet, go buy it.