An exciting campaign full of surprises make this game worth a buy.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty: 4 Modern Warfare is a FPS set in the modern day setting. Infinity Ward finally took the risk to jump into the modern day setting, and it paid off big time. No more shooting M1 Garand's or killing Germans this time we are firing off G36's and sniping terrorists. This game is short, but is still a lot of fun and is a great FPS.

The campaign starts off in a training mission like most games, showing you the basic controls. After that the game takes you through many different locations either playing as an SAS operative or as a U.S. Marine. The campaign is very intense and offers a lot of variety, from the sniper mission to defending towns. It is a pretty short experience though only taking 4-6 hours to complete the game. The game also includes arcade mode where you play a mission and it awards you points for kills and how quick you can complete it.

The graphics in this game are amazing and include a lot of little details. The textures are clean and the explosions are crisp. Player models look very realistic and so do the weapons. The gunplay is a little disappointing though, the weapons don't sound very loud and don't have the proper amount of recoil.

The only downsides to the game are that it's short and I would have liked more weapons. The game does not have much replay value if you can't play multiplayer. Split-Screen is fun but does not have as much depth as the online modes.

Call of Duty: 4 Modern Warfare is a great FPS set in modern times. The campaign is fun but is too short and there is not much replay value if you can not play online. The graphics are colorful, crisp, and include lots of detail. Call of Duty: 4 Modern Warfare is a great game and should be in any FPS fans collection.