Call of duty 4 is the fourth game of series a single player shooting game with new modern warfare that give u a new look

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
In the Call of duty series all games are very good and playable the fourth of the series has some new change that make this game a popular game and top rank on pc call of duty 4 is a single player shooting game and adventure this game has new modern things the new modern weapons vehicls and locations yhis give u a new look the modern shooting game is very good this give u a action of present day so, that's why this game has rank on pc and overall this game is very good and this is the good shooting game and this is the best shooting game on pc
this game has some new features that very good u play this game with ur interest and some patch that solve ur problems
i say the call of duty 4 is best game and this series going well and new games are also good and best.
now i say to all the shooting game has thier own respect every type of game has its own respect we can not say that gta better this because this game is not modern action adventure .
Call of duty 4 is a shooting game and no shooting game is better than
Call of Duty 4 all the time best and excelant
this is a best shooting game on all platforams i like it because this game has many features
i say this is the best game