call of duty 4is a fps with amazing graphics, great story, and incredible online muitiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
call of duty 4 is a fps with amazing graphics, great story, and incredible online muitplayer. call of duty 4 is filled with heaps of action through campaign missions to Online miutiplayer. there is also some variety between missions. But there are flaws in call of duty 4, in my option the story is deep but also very short. sometimes the game can't keep a steady frame rate, cod4 can also suffer from slow loading times. the cod4 online muitiplayer has one of the best online muitiplayers ever made. it does not lag,(unless you have really slow internet). call of duty online muitiplayer has a massive variety in maps, weapons, fighting styles, and a lot of fps games (team death match, free for all, search and destroy, and many more.

With that said call of duty 4 is a game that should not be missed!!