Get the frag out of here, this game is great!
I am a big fan of the COD series and for the first time I bought it on PS3, due to my playstation actually having a better machine spec than my PC! It's hard to get your head round using two joysticks, but once you have got the knack it just works. Well, for the first time COD have gone all modern on us and what a great change it has made, real life locations, mock up situations that could happen today in the 'chemical warfare' world and lastly, the guns.
From the word go you are dropped on to a cargo ship of some sort with a team of three sas members. You take position of support and it's not long until you're firing off blindly in panic, because you think you saw a 'shadow' or a grenade being thrown. There are plenty more moments in this game where panic takes hold of your fingers and you spray your magazine madly in circles trying to fight off enemies. A great storyline behind the single player missions and yes, the single player is fairly short, but with the intensive play and and clever tactics used within the missions, it's definitely not a waste of money. There is great voice acting, strangely the main voice over bloke sounds similar to the gangster from eastenders (for all the brits).
What I love about COD is that the game sucks you in and time tends to fly by without you noticing that three days have passed and it's Monday morning.
Now that may be a slightly brief review on single player, but this game is all about the online play. I was never a massive fan of multiplayer until recently playing COD2 on pc revived a keen interest I thought I never had; plus the fact that I have no life really helps with improving my skills online! But multiplayer plays great on COD4 and is very annoyingly addictive. Infinity ward have created a score based game, where you are rewarded for completing tasks such as killing a certain number of people with a specific gun, shooting down an enemy helicopter or shooting through objects. You gain experience by completing these tasks and are rewarded with a bigger range of guns... Did I mention that you can shoot people through wooden walls, throw back live grenades and call in air strikes? This game has everything; I haven't found any faults with it at all. Right, I'm cutting this review short and I'm off to play COD4 again and again and again and again...