Call of Duty 4 is a brilliant tale of modern warfare only hindered by it's lack of length with it's story mode.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review (PS3)

Developed By: Infinity Ward
Published By: Activision
Genre: FPS
Number of Player: 1-18
ESRB Rating: M

Starting Comment
I recently purchased the latest installment of the Call of Duty series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. After finishing it and currently playing its online multiplayer, I say this is certainly a game you'd want to have for your PS3.

The story of Call of Duty 4 (CoD4) is based on modern times, straying from the WWII based CoD predecessors. The story follows two soldiers, one from the US Marines and the other a British SAS operative, as they fight Russian terrorists bent on destroying the US east coast with nuclear warheads. It's a unique and compelling story that will have you blown away once you reach the end. If you are looking for a war game where everything is perfect once you reach the end, this game will certainly shock you.

Call of Duty 4 has extremely intense gameplay throughout. During the campaign, you'll regularly find yourself hiding behind crates to avoid being peppered with bullets. The enemy will try to group up and flank you, thanks to smart AI, although sometimes you'll see an enemy soldier just standing there waiting to be shot. The controls are relatively easy, R1 being the fire button, R2 to throw grenades, and the analog stick to walk. That's really all you'll need to know. The online multiplayer can hold up to 18 players, and in those matches, it's just complete chaos, especially on small fields with grenades, air strikes, helicopters and gunfire all flying by.

Modern Warfare has some of the best graphics you'll find on a PS3. Every part of the game looks superb, from the blasted wall after being hit with a grenade to the crate you were hiding behind that's full of bullet holes. Some of the cut scenes during the campaign are tearfully beautiful. Everything is incredibly realistic and you'll never encounter any framerate problems.

CoD4 also has great sound. There will always be sounds of gunfire, so you'll never feel comfortable; you will be startled by explosives; the voices are fine, although when shooting people from a plane, it gets weird when your pilot says things like "Hot Damn!" There's even a bonus song at the end of the game that properly fits the phrase "Go deep and hard". All in all, the audio in this game is primarily meant to have you uncomfortably hanging on the edge of your seat.

Replay Value
The single-player mode of Call of Duty 4 is surprisingly short, almost 5 hours or maybe 7-8 if your raise the difficulty. They make up for that with quality and the fact that it has an incredibly fun online multiplayer that will keep you entertained for hours (in my case so far, 60 hours). Those who weren't satisfied with one run through the campaign will get a chance to go through it again, whether through select missions or the entire story, arcade style, kills earning you points.

Final Words
Call of Duty 4 is a top-notch FPS game that currently owns the throne of best war game so far in my opinion. Really, a masterpiece created by Infinity Ward.

Story: 9.5/10
Gameplay: 9.0/10
Graphics: 9.0/10
Audio: 9.5/10
Replay Value: 9.0/10
Overall Score: 9.2/10