I couldn't choose whether to classify it as underrated, revolutionary, or worth the wait, but you should know, it's all!
Everyone knows that Wii's graphics aren't as good, but that doesn't change the fact that this game is mind boggeling, not to mention, considering we're talking about the Wii, the graphics are most definitely revolutionary for the Wii. The game is basically the same as the PS3 and X360, but obviously the control style has a huge difference. The maps for Wi-Fi are amazing, not to mention, theres a whole bunch of 'em. And your sure to enjoy the campaign. Bottom line, the games worth it, no need to rent, no need to question, more like need to play! Sounds cool right, right. So heres you list of reasons to play it.
Graphics- nothing I can think of off the top of my head compares, the lighting is almost perfected, and you have to admit graphic contribute to the enjoyment.
Sound- very good, not to much music, but usually your in a major battle and everything is so chaotic and loud you don't need any music. Each weapon has it's own noise, and it doesn't sound like Britney Spears trying to lip sink, which is a good thing BTW.
Multiplayer- the same multiplayer experience that made the original versions the greatest war game of all time...
Sooooo.... you have no reason not to love it!