The modern warfare like was never experienced before.
So, instead of killing uncountable Germans soldiers, many terrorists, rebel forces and nationalists will took place in the fight. Also, the historic places that were important in the WWII is replaced for other places, like Ukraine, focusing a more modern approach of the conflicts that happen in the real world.
Being a Call of Duty game, the history and the plot is not the strong of it, but the way how it tell the history is what make this series so different from any of the other games in the genre. Fast paced and full of surprises will hold us wanting more until the end.
But, instead of three soldiers like in the past games, we control only two, being our protagonists. "Soap" Mactavish from the S.A.S forces and Paul Jackson from the U.S.M.C are the names. The first is part of a special division from England, where most of his missions will be infiltration like and with a more "precise" move, while the second remembers the old games, where we fight together in an open modern war.
And they will be fighting around the Middle East and some old countries from the URSS, searching for some terrorists that want to show "who's in charge" all that stuff, where a nuclear threat is more real than ever and is our job stop this threat by all costs.
All that would be insignificant if wasn't all those elements that make a Call of Duty game be a Call of Duty. Frenetic action, breathless moments, superb musical score, amazing voices and animation with a new and totally fresh engine to put all together and here is the best cinematic FPS game from all time.
Unfortunately, Modern Warfare did not have the same breath from the other games from the series, where the Single Player experience ends in a climax and just let the player "I want more!!" and try to fulfill this feeling with frustrating extras in a form of time trials and arcade modes.
But, there's a detail here that makes all the difference. CoD 4 MW is not mean to be played in the Single Player only. The biggest part of its experience is tasted in Multiplayer. If you played only a couple of minutes of this game online, then, you will understand what I'm saying.
I mean, in the past games of the series, the Single Player could fulfill the player, not demanding more experience or more action, even both the original CoD and the second game being owners of amazing Multi Player modes.
Now that Modern Warfare it's in the third sequence, we can easily notice how flawless was its multiplayer back in 2007 and more now that we can compare with a lot of games that tried to reach the same success than this game. But Infinity Ward gave their best and we can only enjoy and be impressed by this addictive game, mainly when we enter in the online world of Modern Warfare.
I'll not enter in more details, this would consume and waste words that could only be understood after enjoy it, even for few minutes or even a single map. And this would make me explain why the scores. If you only play the Single Player, it would be an 8. But, if you played wanting both experiences, you have an easy 9. So, I took the middle, "8,5".