This is a very fun and enjoyable game(more inside)
The campaign mode of this game is fun in itself,it really pulls you in to the characters and is very action packed.
But the online play for this game is where it is best.With the variety of weapons,perks,attatchments,and the ability to start all over,it is very easy to play this game for a long time.I still play it to day,and it should tide me over until the next one comes out.
But there is one things that make this game not as enjoyable.In the online play,a few guns are highly over powered,making it harder for someone new to it,liking and sticking with it. But if you are like me and stick with it,it become incredibly fun and hard to put down.
Another good thing is the prestige system in this game.There are levels that you advance online,unlocking new weaponry and perks.But once you reach level 55 you will have a chance to start all over,gain a new symbol of your rank,and do it all again.This gives people something new to do if you get bored with the game.
Another thing is the challenges,very fun and they make it so the game has something to make you work for.
Overall a very good,well rounded,and easy to pick up game.If you have been a fan of the series,ABSOLUTLEY,pick this up.And even if your new to the series you should still be able to pick it up,endure,and eventually play it well.