you can say it is been better since the last one...
tow things I like most about it are it is not like other war games which you have to go fight without knowing the purpose of your fighting,and this game have a kinda fine story that makes you go on with it and don t just throw the disc in the trash can...
The graphics are very good but like all the games there are some flaws in it,but it it not a big deal.
There are some new weapons which happens to be cool.
one thing which is so missing is there are no vehicles to drive,no tanks,no jeeps,nothing.but there is that mission when you are in plane and flying around that place to protect the troops there,and that one is not so fun...
Call of duty 4 is kinda short and you will complete it in just a while.
there are some remarkable places in the game like:when the atomic-bomb explodes and your choper will fell down then you get out and look around the place. it is so well made and exciting.
And there is the end,it is amazing when thing happens and how they designed it to kill the last man.