The top FPS out there...
The story features a variety of missions including a mission where you are in control of three guns in an AC-130 gunship, and a flashback mission where you get to sneak through Chernobyl in a ghillie suit.
The difficulties in CoD4 range from easy, to veteran. Veteran mode is one of the toughest, I think, of any game I've ever played. I won't give any more detail on the story, but I will tell you what you can expect during your time spent playing this game.
Story 9/10 (too short, or it would be a 10 too)
First, the graphics. Simply brilliant! If you have a 1080p TV, you will be amazed once you see this game for the 1st time. The textures are sharp and the enviroments are highly detailed.
Graphics 10/10
Next, one of the best assets to this game. The framerate. Running at an almost unheard of 60 fps, you won't be disappointed. With framerate like this, players can enjoy smooth, crisp gameplay. While this isn't usually in the criteria for scoring videogames, not many games are able to say the run at 60 fps like CoD4.
Framerate 10/10
The sound effects in CoD4 are incredible! Each sound you hear on the battlefield will make you swear you're almost there. From grenades exploding, to bullets flying through walls and over your head; every little sound effect will leave you amazed.
Sound 10/10
The controls in CoD4, in my opinion, are the best for any FPS I've ever played. They are both simple to learn, and very user friendly. Also, there are several different control schemes you can choose from if the default layout doesn't suit you. Overall, the contols are perfect!
Controls 10/10
Finally, what this game is best known for. Multiplayer! Quite possibly one of the best online shooters ever. It's highly addictive and even almost one year after release, the online community is still very active. Multiplayer is what has defined this game as one of the best out there, and a big reason for that is the the perk system. Perks are what players can choose to upgrade their weapons, among other things. Anything from scopes, to C4, to being able to sprint longer distances. The perks you can choose from are almost endless.
Multiplayer 11/10
Overall, CoD is an excellent FPS. With an amazing, but short single player campaign, to go along with an excellent multiplayer portion of the game. This game is nothing short of amazing. If by some chance you haven't picked this game up yet, do yourself a favor and buy it.