Possibly one of the most fun multiplayer shooters out there. Short but epic singleplayer, and amazing multiplayer.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Let's start with singleplayer. It is short, and I actually like that because it lets me get into multiplayer quicker. I prefer to have a singleplayer to get the story going and the controls, and then the multiplayer rolls in and destroys everything the singeplayer had to offer, which, to me, is a good thing.

The singleplayer is epic and a great storyline, which actually made me ignore the top part of my review, wanting MORE singleplayer, which is hard for a game to do to me. The story introduces the characters so well, and makes you care for them, for example when Jackson dies, I was sad, but when Gaz died, and possibly Price, I was really sad and moved by the story.

The multiplayer is very fun, but at sometimes frustrating. But not frustrating in a glitchy way, oh no. It gets frustrating when something stupid happens online and it makes you want to throw your controller at the TV, as in most multiplayer games do to me.

The perks and weapon unlocks is possibly the best idea ever, but when i unlock all, im craving for more guns to use in action againt my opponents.

Overall, this game is amazing, and I would actually rate it 9.7, if the rating system allowed me to do so. Thank you for reading my review.