Overrated! Forced maps, short game time, no spectacular new ideas, ltd interaction with enviroment. Arcade meterial.
The reason why it is overrated is simple. This is one of the better looking FPS games. Does it need more ingredients - 4 sure!. When will we get a FPS game with the same map system that GTA uses? One big map -all out war. Image ONLINE gaming. You are a naval officer doing precision bombing by coordinates inland, coordinates by infantry soldiers (online friends). You reply you cannot bomb target (out of reach) Tanks reply also they are repairing. Infantry call in the air wing. They Bomb the living s$&t out of the enemy. Medivac comes in for rescue missions. Commanders, generals all ranks have their own jobs. You achieve medals and rank up. If you start the online game you start as a junior . Rifle and pistol that's it! COD4 touched on the idea but only arcade style. I do hope world at war is better . As i said in my previous review . The developers thrive on expectation, this in it self is a SIN! Giving a little at a time to make a sequel successfull.