awsome game, great graphics, great storyline

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
I pretty well think that the above sums it up! The only problem I have noticed was It was short... almost too short. There was also not too much of a variety in gameplay. I got a little impatient with the lack of thinking, as much of it is simply kill all enemies and move on. This is just my standpoint. Dont get me wrong, this is an amazing game. The physics engine Is alot better, which adds to the realism. There is a noticable increase in intellegence in AI, which both adds realism and a slightly different gameplay. Online Multiplayer is amazing, and takes online shooters to a new level. Multiplayer allows you to take out other players by such as airstrikes, and helicopter attacks. It is worth buying it. I have so far played far more multiplayer than singleplayer, while both are great. If you dont have it, I suggest you buy it ASAP.