With amazing gameplay, great graphics and a perfect setting, COD4 proves that perfect games do exist - 9.5

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
After three stellar games set in World Wars, people were unsure if COD would work well in a modern setting. The answer was yes, it would, in fact brilliantly. Firstly the gameplay, which as you could expect is as smooth and realistic as ever, but in COD4 it feels exceptionally good. The visuals are also a treat. Detail is amazingly accurate and weapons and characters really show the quality of the game.The story is gripping and environments are great and really this game is flawless in nearly every aspect. Online play is great fun and with many different options and achievements, making COD4 very replayable. Sadly there is one negative point which stops COD4 getting the perfect score, and that is the story. It is very interesting and very fun, while it lasts, but sadly it doesn't last very long, around 4-5 hours to be exact. Although that is easily made up for with the superb online play, it is still an issue which reflects on the game. However, overall the game basically gets everything right, gameplay, graphics, story, etc, with only a small point which stops COD4 from getting the prefect score - 9.5

+ Excellent graphics and gameplay
+ Unbeatable online
+ Superb weapons and environments
+ Great story
- ...While it lasts