A great fpsGame. I just can't get enough of it! You seriously should by this. Go online or play as a soldier in a story!
The story:
You start off as a new soldier. You learn how to fire guns and use a knife. You practice on targets and... a water-mellon?!?!
Anywhom, then you go through a corse like a real situation. Firing targets, flash banging through doors and roping. Then you have to kill some enemies and retrieve an item on a ship, before the ship starts to sink and you have to make it to the helicopter.
You then see AlAhsad murder a person on national T.V. You then have to capture him through many missions.
You repeat a mission done by the captain. That is as far as I have got but I am sure the rest is good.
If you don't fancie doing the story, you can go online. Face other REAL LIFE people in a series of different matches including:
-Team deathmatch (Kill the other team)
-Free for all (every man for himself)
-Search and destroy (one team needs to set off a bomb in either place in a level, the other must defuse selected area, no respawn)
-Team tacticle (A mixture of many games)
-Hardcore (Friendly fire and limited hud versions of a choice from 3 different games)
-Cage match (2vs2)
So buy it today. It is great!