An all-out awesome game with a satisfying campaign and addicting online play.
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
I went nearly a whole year hearing about this game and how great it was, and I just thought to myself "I'll get around to it". I decided to order the Game of the Year edition off amazon, and it has to be one of the best (if not THE best) games I have ever played. The storyline isn't phenomenal, but it is pretty good. The core gameplay is easy to learn/hard to master (though I though that the melee and crouch buttons were placed oddly), and the campaign features some pretty fun missions. And the graphics, for the most part, are gorgeous. But as anyone can tell you, COD4 isn't famous for it's single-player. It features probably the most unique online ranking system for online multiplayer, and a feature called "Create a Class", in which you can choose an individual weapon, sidearm, and "perks", which are like power-ups that each person has 2 of. My only complaints are about the split-screen multiplayer. This is a heavily underrated feature, but it feels a bit tacked-on and minimalistic. First of all, there are many weapons that are available online that aren't on local multiplayer, and there is no Create-a-class option (there are only predesignated classes).
I reccomend this game for people who enjoy good video games.