User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
When I bought my 360 I picked up CoD2. That was a must buy if you bought a Xbox360 when it first came out. I loved it... It was a GREAT game and well worth every penny. CoD3 came out... and I was not sucked in like I was before. Well CoD4 had a beta that I got a "token" for and love it, but now that the whole shaBANG is out... It is amazing!!

Now the game play is a little short... but the mutiplayer has MANY layers to it. Other games need to take note and learn from CoD4. It will not get old any time soon... at all.

It is very beautiful... Some of the best graphics so far. I fell good when I finish a level. The A.I. is really good in this game. I have not seen anything crazy yet. The sound in 5.1 surround sound is amazing. Very well done.

Fun factor... Well... I can not stop thinking about this game. I dreamed about it after playing it for hours. Im just waiting to get off work to go home and play my friends.

This is a game that YOU must have for your 360. I would have to go out on a limb and say this is one of... if not THE... best WAR games I have ever played. To think it could get better than this... at this moment that is really hard to even to think it could.

CoD4 is one of the BEST FPS that I have played...