The WAY Scripted Shooters Should be made!

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC
Great Sound & outstanding visuals, non stop action, relevant modern storyline. As you've heard, TOO SHORT! Excellent multiplayer content and a wild single player campaign are no excuse for this short a full price title. SHAME on the publisher! Though it's linear, some of the SP levels are quite large and open, the CQB is a blast (though if there's a door you should be able to kick or blow it open with our weapon) to add variety and more paths through some levels. Good weapon variety, and and the ballistics are well modeled for this type of game. The friendly SP AI doesn't get in your way too much, and the enemy AI moves and shoots well (especially on the harder difficulty settings!) and are some nade tossing bad boys, so be warned! Did I mention the excellent lengthy cutscene/backstory/ credits movie between the first and second levels? If not I should have because it's one of the best I've ever seen. All in all one of the best shooter this year though I give it an 8 SOLEly because it is so RIP OFF SHORT!