Had a friend over from the army and said it was the most realistic game that has ever been covered for army he has seen!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Go Get It. Graphics are great, Game play is awesome, multi player is great, Single player is great...There is so many options and unlock points in this game and level upgrades / weapon upgrades that it just make the game that much more to have the replay value that everyone is looking for in a FPS game... The Realism in this game has conquered any other COD ever to date. Just in my opinion this has to be one of the best game in the FPS / Army / war in its genre that has been released to date... I love me some gears of war but this is a different type of FPS compared to GOW you can't really compare it since they are so different but being the type of FPS it is and all the different modes it has like Search and Destroy brings me back to my counterstrike days
Overall a great game