first impressions

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
we all know that first impressions are the ones that really count, remember you boss the first time you saw him/her and that will stick in your mind for a very long time.
I have only played Call of duty 4 on PS3 for a couple of days, but I have to say that it has been a long time since a FPS has impressed me that way.
It is truly and in every sense of it a next generation game console,
The introduction and the opening scenes make you feel that you are in a movie and when someone at Sony said few years ago that the in game graphics on PS3 would be of the same quality that the cinematic scenes on the PS2, I am starting to understand.
It gives a different level of realisms when pushed to a 1080 resolution on my LCD TV you fight your way through the streets of a Middle Eastern city and hear with amazing clarity the sound of my assault riffle firering at my enemies.
With Call of Duty 4 I can now say that I am finally playing new generation games