Holy moses. It definitely leaves you wanting more awfully quick but wow! COD4 is fps heaven, and I want more of it!!

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Every great game has that one defining "whoa" moment. A feeling of a great idea coming together, an evocation of gaming bliss, or emotional immersion, or graphical genius in design.

COD4 had 8 of these moments for me in the first hour of gameplay. The feeling of realism is only offset by the fact that you have a controller in your hands. It's amazing. There are environmental sequences that i don't want to ruin for you that leave me speechless. They are just amazing. Tension tension everywhere I say.

Speaking of tension...let's get to a technical issue that some may love and others will definitely hate: Infinite Respawn. Yeah, it's there, and yeah it'll tick you off. For those of you thinking ahead, yes...it also means that there are inherent limitations and cycles to persitent damage in the engine and game world. The basic skinny for those not familiar with the jargin is this:

You enter a room. 5 baddies, okay take em out. The next checkpoint is at the end of the next hall. You lolligag about (no one uses that term anymore. I'm tryin to bring it back), and more enemies come-a-runnin. You take them out too. Wash, rinse, repeat. Sensing a pattern? Unless you cross the next checkpoint, endless baddies will keep coming. The idea is to keep the pressure on you to keep moving, and mostly it works pretty well. However there are two major problems with this mentality...the artistic, and the pragmatic.

The artistic issue is that if you're thorough like me, like you like to clear the room and know you're safe before proceeding...well that's right out the window.

The pragmatic problem is that there can only be so much going on in any finite game engine, before framerate and freeze finally become a fatal issue. i.e.- You won't be filling a room with 50 terrorist bodies. The game would freeze, and we'd be awful angry. No instead, you'll eventually witness the magic of dissappearing bodies. Most games are pretty subtle about this, when they have to do it, and i pray when I run acrossed it here, it'll be the same.

Anyway that aside, there's little to complain about. Yeah the campaign is short, but so intense that when you beat it you'll need two weeks shore leave. Oye!

The graphics are beautiful, we all knew they would be. The story is engaging, and the action is top tier. So why are you wasting time reading this and not playing? Sheesh.....rookies.