The best Call of Duty yet!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
This is now my favorite game of all time now.......although the game it self is to short. I'm working on completing the game in Hardened mode...... One level that i think is impossible to complete on the xbox 360, or ps3, is the Mile high Club level.......I've heard that the PC version is much more easier to complete. Also this games good because it deals with the modern war. Call of duty 2 and 3 were ok,but this game kicks @$$. As for the multiplayer............. It's awesome..... but the online game matches are just like halo 3...... you gain exp.every time you win. you also get ranked up to like a kind of solider level......most the time when you rank up,you unlock new class or weapon,like a sniper,a mini uzi,and plenty more............................................. THe short way of saying this review is that THIS GAME KICKS @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try to find me if you have an Xbox 360 and Xbox live. My name is JuicyBaconBits..Peace