Pretty dam good game, just missing co-op, with co-op and a longer story line the game would have been easily better.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Pretty dam good game, just missing co-op, with co-op and a longer story line the game would have been easily better. The guns are great. The perks were a good idea and the challenges. It was smart to allow players to play different match types online when they achieve higher levels because then people would be more into it. They should have added online achievements as well. So i'd say this game could have been amazing if you

1. Increase Story Lenght
2. Add co-op into story mode and allow at least two people to play online on the same 360 console.

Other wise its the best shooter out there. i havent put halo in my 360 for a while ever since this game came out o.o If your like a halo veteran that started playing since halo 1 and hate the players on halo 3 live, hey ur not alone. I HATE THOSE DAM NOOBS. They suck but they got such a high level. Everyones so good now, so call of duty is the game for everyone, where you level up according to kills and its impossible to level down :D