Great, but sometimes difficult
Ok, for those who want a family-friendly part of a review, here it is. TONS of swearing, TONS of blood, LOTS of violence... that's how I'll brief it. Parts you can't take out are the swearing (D, H, B, B, A, S, and F word are all used). Most people say the F word isn't used, but it is. You see, in one level you're in this watch tower, and some guy rams it with a car to bring it down, and the guy you're in the tower with will either yell "Oh s***!" or "Oh f***!". The blood cannot be filtered at some spots, though there is a filter for most of it. The parts it can't be filtered: When you blow off Zakhaev's arm, when Zakhaev's son commits suicide, in the level "The Bog" one of your men gets into a fight with a guy, and when he shoots him you'll see a puddle of blood start to form, the last scene about 6 guys die in front of you and they all spill out puddles of blood, in the level "All In" the snipers take out guys, and blood will come out, and finally, in the level "No Fighting in the War Room" there are constantly dead corpses with blood around or puddles of blood. Some scenes to watch out for being there are the scene where you take the first-person perspective of a nuclear bomb killing your guy, a scene where your guy gets executed (first-person perspective again), the scene where you blow off Zakhaev's arm, and the scene where Zakhaev's son commits suicide.
Ok, I think that covers it. Overall, epic game-- definitely worth getting. But if you don't like swearing, blood, and gore (the violence isn't any worse than CoD2 in my opinion) than don't get the game.