Call of Duty 4 Beats all the previous games in the series by far!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
This is definitely the best game in the series, everything is knew and exciting and you wont be able to put it down for awhile, This game will definitely take you away from Halo 3 for some time.
+Amazing campaign story.
+Amazing audio will really make it feel like your in the fight.
+All the effects make it feel like less of a game and make you feel like your in the fight.
+moments that make you old your breath in some of the missions, "all gillied up" in particular.
+Lots of surprises along the way.
+Awesome multiplayer.
-Campaign is way to short, about 5 hours.
-Some VERY frustrating parts on the harder difficulties.
? What's the back story behind the prologue? COD5 maybe?