The Best Call of Duty Yet

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Having played many Call of Duty, I was truly happy to see the series take a turn to our modern times. This game is very fun, and addicting. It has a good storyline, but the usual kill the evil terrorists with the nukes. Though actually this is the first one I've played with that storyline The weapons are a blast to use and the level layouts are great. The mulitplayer is also a highlight, and the little perks each soldier class has is fun. I like the perk where when you get *killed* you fall to the ground and have the ability to fire with your pistol to, hopefully, get some kills before your undone. Though for some reason, I'm out of things to say about this game. If you like shooters, buy it, its something to play till Call of Duty 5.