Call of Duty 4 is a great game in many different ways
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
Call of Duty 4 is obviously the greatest in the series becuase of its incredible story and awsome online multiplayer. When I heard that COD4 was going to be short I expected it to end in about an hour or 2, but I was wrong it took about 8 or 9 hours to finish the game. I know that that might not be a long time, but during that time youll be so entertained you will never want to turn off your X360. Campaign modes levels arent as long as other FPS games, but the story is great and the gameplay has improved greatly. The graphics are great no matter if your using an HD or regular TV. The sound effects are extremely realistic and make you feel as if you are fighting in the war. The weapons are so much better because of the games new modernized gameplay. Unlike the other Call of Duty games this one doesn't take place during World War II, but in the modern day warfare. Thus the name Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. When I completed the level shock and awe, I was so amazed that one of the main characters died so early into the game. For the rest of the game you controll John "Soap" MacTavish. this game is an excellent game and the action starts and ends from epilouge to prolouge. Multiplayer gives you even more reasons to play this game. The maps are huge and you can choose a position to give you different weapons. If you like stronger weapons then youll chose the position with stronger weapons. This game is a great choice to get, but if you think that this game might be too short then DONT BUY IT!