A good game.with a few drawacks

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360
So when you start out in the Single player Campaine your in some kind of SAS trianing program.The grafics look nice. really nice.So anyways after looking at such clean Grafics you have to shooot these targets then have to similate a Boat penetration So the game is Call of Duty in the modern day.

The Difficulty unfurtenetly is either too easy or too hard. The Hard difficulting was good untile I came to a mission I couldnt pass.Now for me the normal Difficulty is a bit easy.So unless you are really good at it.Normal Difficulty will have to Do.

The Story is good but it has a rather Sad ending for SAS and Marines.Not as sad as you think but just feels wasted.

Luckily the graphics and gameplay and Multiplayer makes up for such.The Multiplay is one of the best.Too bad the short and unsatisfying campaigh really doesnt live up to Muiltiplay.

Get this game because Multiplay is one of the BEST!!!!!